Around the Quilting Blogosphere

As I mentioned in my  first virtual trip to Finland, I was thrilled to see folks from other countries check out my blog. And I love travelling. I don't have the time or the money right now to do any travelling so I've decided to do some virtual travelling to see the quilting blogs around the world. Quilting Bloggers has organized the blogs listed with them by country, and even by province and state for Canada and the U.S., so I'm using that as my starting point.

I'm having a great time learning and getting inspired from folks in other countries. There's a ton of great talent out there in the blogosphere and I'm posting my 'finds' on my blog so that I can, well, find them again. If this is something that interests you too, become a follower, subscribe to my blog, or simply bookmark this page. I welcome any and all comments, and especially suggestions on where to go next!

Trips to date:


  1. What a great idea! I will have to check this out!

  2. Have you been to Scotland ? Why not come and see my blog - you'd be very welcome :)

  3. Yay Comments indeed! So many quilting blogs and so little time!
    HI from NZ.

  4. What a lovely idea! I'll be checking out your posts. I too love to travel! Can you recommend a book on Contemporary Quilting? Thank YOU. Beth


Yay Comments! Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. I usually reply to comments via e-mail. If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave me your e-mail address so I can get back to you. Unfortunately, I've had to disallow Anonymous posts due to spam -- sorry! Cheers!

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