Saturday, 18 June 2011

Always Learning

I love it when I learn a neat trick that simplifies a quilting technique, don't you? I found a couple recently that I thought I'd share here.

One Seam Flying Geese?
I came across this very cool new way to do Flying Geese with only one seam. This is from The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims, but it is available on You Tube. Definitely in the right direction for me!

If you have any problems with the embedded video, check out the video directly on You Tube.

Tumbling Blocks - No Y-seams?
The thought of Y-seams has kept me from doing any Tumbling Blocks quilts, but when I found this video, well, I guess I'll have no more excuses. Straight seams only are used in this neat way of doing 3D Tumbling Blocks. Love it!

If you have any problems with the embedded video, check out the video directly on You Tube.

From Headbanging to Threadbanging
This is a clip from ThreadBanger, the home for people who want to make their own style. They feature DIY projects and tips for everything 'thread' related. This clip features Caroline Hwang and her quilting, showcases some viewer quilts and then offers some suggestions on further surfing. Nice to see where 'them young'uns' are getting some of their inspiration!

If you have any problems with the embedded video, check out the video directly on You Tube.

If you know of any other cool tricks like these (videos are not necessary), let me know. I'd love to learn them and share them with others.

Happy Weekend!

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