Wednesday, 8 February 2012

What the FMQAYGQAL? Update

http://www.quokkaquilts.blogspot.comStill smarting from my FMQ issues last week, I decided that my first foray back into the world of FMQ this week would be my blocks for the FMQAYGQAL with Quokka Quilts.

I had done two of the next four designs before so those came easier and I find they look better too. I definitely found the other two (Spiral Illusion and Lightning Bolts) more challenging, which was perfect because that was what I was hoping for with this project!

Here's my progress (by the way, I know I'm not supposed to quilt in the white border, but I did my first four like that so I'm going to do all of them this way for consistency):

Pointy Paisley:

Spiral Illusion:

Lightning Bolts:

Stippled Squares:

Once again, I found that I really didn't like my stitching in the midst of doing the design, but once I was done and stepped back, it didn't seem to look as bad as I thought. Do you find that too? 

Happy Thursday!


  1. wow that is so really really nice FMQ!!!! wow

  2. oh my gosh, i think you are doing an amazing job on this. I am so scared to try. I hve a great new machine too,, but so scared to try.

  3. HI M R your quilting is fabulous- looks really good. Bet you can't wait to incorporate it into a quilt!

  4. Your blocks and quilting look fantastic! I think they're much better quilted all over - plus, it gave you that much more practice!

  5. oh boy your quilting is increadible, wow, really good!

  6. Oh wow, your quilting looks FABULOUS!!!

  7. Wow, they look great! You're right, midway through, I'm wondering "what the heck am I doing?" at the end, it's the wow factor. :)

  8. I like your machine quilting. It must have taken quite some time. I hand quilt mainly.

  9. M-R you are a fmq goddess!! These are all fabulous!
    I love that you've gone into the border, you rebel ;)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Your quilting is fantastic! I also feel like my quilting looks better when I step back. I can't wait to see these designs after the quilts are washed. ~Jeanne

  12. They look great! love the princess quilt too!

  13. These blocks are beautiful! You are a pro at this - so pretty to see.

  14. I looks so perfect, you really can be proude of this great job!


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