Saturday, 20 July 2013

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Original Falling For Stripes
As I mentioned the other day, I'm writing a pattern for Falling for Stripes.

I'm using Ann Kelle's Bright Remix Stripe for Robert Kaufman. I love this fabric. I used it for the binding for What the FMQAYGQAL? and I've been hoarding collecting the rest for this project.

The main directions in the pattern are for the 6 fabric layout of the original Falling For Stripes quilt.

There will also be a couple of alternate options, one of which is a solid colour background. There's also the option of not using stripes in the pieced blocks so it has more of an hourglass block look to it.

Here's the top of the first test, using just white for the background:

Whadya think?

The quilt will be 55" by 67"-- a good throw size.

Interested in testing this pattern out for me? I'm looking for 3-4 people who could make this quilt in the next six (6) weeks.

Just so you know what you are getting into, the fabric requirements for the quilt are:

Fabric A (Stripe) – 2 ¼ yards (includes ½ yard for binding)** This calculation is based on using all the fabric as it is cut, without trying to have the stripes meet in the blocks. If you think you’d like to match your stripes, you'd best double this amount.
Fabric B (Light Orange) - ¼ yard long
Fabric C (Dark Orange) - ½ yard
Fabric D (Pink) - ½ yard
Fabric E (Burgundy) - 1/2 yard
Fabric F (Purple) – 1 yard

Backing – 3 1/3 yards
Batting – 3 1/3 yards

Here's how the testing will work:
  • You let me know you are interested in testing the pattern in the comments below or by emailing me at quiltmatters(at)gmail(dot)com. If you are a no reply blogger, please leave your email address so I can get back to you. 
  • I'll send you a PDF of the pattern, which you'll download to use to make the quilt.
  • You make the quilt in the next six weeks and send me some feedback and photos of what you make.
  • I'll send you two copies of the final pattern -- one for you to keep and one for you to give away on your blog or to whomever you wish -- and share your photos on my blog. And you'll have my undying gratitude! 
Thanks for considering this!

I hope you are having a fabulous weekend!


  1. oooooh, man, i LOVE that white version! and i got your email - i'll email you back soon!! we've been on a bit of a vacay over here :)

  2. These look lovely. I see they made up by stripes but it's the squares I see so I'm not sure about the name :-)

  3. How exciting! I haven't got time to test it, but it is a gorgeous pattern.

  4. I absolutely love this quilt!! I am not sure that I would be a good tester, though....I am terrible at following directions!!

  5. mmm... tempting. I can already see picture mine... but the deadline would be a killer. Good luck with your search for testers! cheers

  6. Oooh, I love it. I will test it for you, depending on if you still need testers. 6 weeks should be doable, assuming you just want the top completed. It's a fabulous looking quilt. Pick me!


  7. Would it need to be tested in those specific colourways or could you do something different?

    1. Hi Alli, great question. You could absolutely do something different with the colours. You don't even have to use stripes in the blocks. Mostly, what I need tested are that the cutting and piecing instructions are clear, correct, and accurate. Thanks for the question!

  8. Love it on the white, so crisp and clean.

  9. Would love to test, and I can get it done in 6 weeks.

    1. Fantastic! Thanks Frances. Could you email me at quiltmatters(at)gmail(dot)com with your email address? Your Google profile is no reply. Thanks!

  10. What a great idea. Would love to see pics of people "test" quilts. Such a great pattern!

  11. Ah... Question amswered... ;)


Yay Comments! Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. I usually reply to comments via e-mail. If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave me your e-mail address so I can get back to you. Unfortunately, I've had to disallow Anonymous posts due to spam -- sorry! Cheers!

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