Tuesday, 27 August 2013

And We're Back!

Bluenose II in dry dock for repairs, Lunenburg, NS
Hope you had a fantastic summer for those in the northern hemisphere! We're back from a fabulous vacation in Nova Scotia. We had some beautiful weather. Sunny and warm, but not too hot.

With no naps to worry about this year, we did a lot more touring; we visited the Citadel in Halifax, Upper Clements Park, Peggy's Cove and Lunenburg, saw a couple of parades, ate some delicious lobster at the Shore Club to celebrate my 40th birthday, kayaked in Hubbards Cove, went tubing down the Gaspereau River, and spent some quality time with my in-laws and my BIL and SIL. Fun, fun, fun!

Peggy's Cove, NS
It takes us two days to drive to Nova Scotia from Ottawa so we usually stop in Edmunston, New Brunswick overnight. When we got into the hotel room that first night, my littlest guy saw the iron and ironing board on the wall of the room, turned to me and said, "Mommy, you can quilt here!" He then paused and continued, "Wait, where's your sewing machine?" I sadly informed him that I didn't bring my machine on vacation. I think we both teared up at that thought. ;)

Peggy's Cove, NS
Peggy's Cove, NS
Even though there wasn't any sewing going on, there were some quilty highlights, which included getting to catch up with my good friend Dominique from The Running Thimble and checking out her wonderful quilts in person.

I think it was
warmer in the sand!
I also made a stop at Avonport Discount Fabrics. Oooh la la! They now have a whole wall of Kona solids. Heaven! And a visit to Laurie Swim's Gallery in Lunenburg rounded out a great trip. Gorgeous work!

Now that I'm home, I'm itching to get back to the sewing machine and cut into some of my purchases this summer.

First up on my list is my August Simply Solids bee block for Patti of Retired to Quilt. She requested a bit of a stash bust, with the putty as the neutral in this Rolling Stone block. I finally got a chance to make it last night. Hope she likes it!

Simply Solids Bee - August Block - Carmine Group

And speaking of the wonderful Patti, she kindly volunteered to test my Falling For Stripes pattern. She did a fantastic job. Check it out on her blog. More to come on the wonderful tests and on this pattern soon!

The two older kids started school today and the little guy starts next week. I foresee much more quilting time this Fall. Muahaha...


  1. Isn't it fun to get back at it after a break? One feels so inspired! Your vacation sounds like it was fantastic! I am a bit envious I must admit. We toured PEI and Cape Breton a few years back when we were living in New Brunswick but didn't get a chance to see the rest of Nova Scotia. It's on the bucket list. :)

  2. Our grandkinds were here from Edmonton so we took them to the Citadel. We havent been there since our own kids were small. We got to HEAR the canon go off at twelve o'clock noon. Glad you and yours had a great trip. Avonport is the greatest eh!

  3. Fun trip! It is beautiful in that part of our country!
    I love Patti's version of your quilt pattern!

  4. You made me smile as I spent 20 years in NS and now I am thinking I need to go back! I passed by the store in Avonport every day as I commuted to work from Wolfville. Thankfully, I only stopped every once in a while..Enjoy your purchases and cannot wait to see what you show at the guild meetings. :)

  5. So glad you enjoyed your time in Nova Scotia , we certainly had great weather in August .

  6. Ah, MR, it was so much fun to see you and your wonderful family. Wish we were closer and could just hook up for a sewing day every once in a while!

  7. Welcome Home! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!

  8. Welcome back! I'm glad to see someone is not travelling with sewing machine or handstitching on the beach, lol. Love the colors in your block.

  9. I've always wanted to go to Peggy's Cove. Actually, I've always wanted to see Atlantic Canada in general. It's just so beautiful there!


  10. welcome back - sounds like you had a great time - some nice pictures - love Laurie Swim's gallery in Lunenburg.

  11. It's sounds, and looks, like it was a fabulous trip. I've never been past Toronto, but coming from the West coast, that seems really far away anyway ;-)


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