Friday, 27 September 2013

TGIFF! - Rainbow Bright

Happy Friday!

I finally finished my Rainbow Bright quilt, which was started for the Something New Sampler with Amy @ 13 Spools back in, um, January. Yay! Those who have been following for a while may remember that my trapunto tutorial was done for this sampler.

Although I finished all the blocks and even quilted them back in March with my favourite Aurifil, I got stuck on the layout. I found a solution that I'm happy with a couple of weeks ago and have been assembling it quilt-as-you-go since.

Close-ups of each block can be found hereherehere, and here. I think my favourite block in this one is the Cathedral Windows one. Love!

I have to say that I learned a lot about rainbows in doing this quilt, especially in doing that block on the lower left.

I free motion quilted pebbles over the quilt-as-you-go sashing because I found it looked too puffy against the quilting of the blocks without it.

I'm not sure why, but this section of the quilting is my favourite! Maybe it's the art deco feel?

And the back -- nothing special because I knew it was going to be a wallhanging, but you can really see the quilting!

Hmm, I think this is my first ever completed sampler! Yay!

Quiltography: "Rainbow Bright," by Michèle-Renée Charbonneau, Ottawa, 2013, 29" by 45".

TGIFF! is on with Megan over at Cherry Valley Designs. Check it out and link up!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow!! that quilt turned out stunning M-R. I love the color, pattern of the blocks and your quilting is gorgeous

  2. So amazing! A ribbon winner for sure!

  3. I love the cathedral windows too. And your quilting is AMAZING!! Wow, I am saving this picture for inspiration :)

  4. Absolutely stunning. The quilting is amazing

  5. love it! the back is simply gorgeous - showing off that lovely quilting, but the front is even better. I'm loving those cathedral windows, too!

  6. Love the quilt M-R. The blocks and the quilting really popped.

  7. As always, gorgeous! The quilting is so fantastic! :)

  8. It is lovely! The quilting adds so much, and I love that you quilted the joining sashing too. The back is so pretty to look at, the quilting has such nice texture!

  9. So awesome. Even the back is a work of art because of the beautiful quilting.

  10. This is incredible! Beautiful quilt - I found it through TGIFF

  11. So much to look at. I like those sashiko blocks in there.

  12. I love the bright colors and the quilting is to die for....amazing :-)

  13. Wow! This is absolutely beautiful ... gorgeous finish! Have a wonderful weekend ... Megan :)

  14. You are an inspiration! Seriously. I'm beyond impressed. It's GORGEOUS!

  15. Oh, neat!!! I particularly like the circles and squares trapuntoed over the patchwork lines.

  16. Awesome.Quilting,design,both sides ,could be a reversible quilt...simply stunning!!
    Have a fun weekend.

  17. Your quilting is amazing! What a gorgeous finish. Very inspiring.

  18. I love it! I'm always so impressed with your quilting. I also love that one section in your bargello block. It looks so modern. And this layout is perfect!

  19. Wow, this looks amazing! I especially like the colored quilting!

  20. Wonderful rainbow blocks and your quilting is fab. Congrats on finishing this :)

  21. That looks fantastic! Love the quilting.

  22. Gorgeous sampler! Especially love the cathedral window block :)


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