Friday, 28 March 2014

TGIFF! - Innocence Lost, Courage Found

Riddle me this: A woman is in a completely bricked-in room. On one wall, there is a large mirror, but there is no door. There's a bench in the middle of the room. She's a clever one though and she got out. How did she get out? Answer at the bottom. Hint: Think math.

I started this quilt a few weeks ago using the Fibonacci sequence up to 13. I worried that it felt too simple. You assured me that it wasn't. Thank you!

I took your advice and stayed simple with the quilting too -- lines every 1/2" -- but for each stripe I quilted the addends (I looked up the term) from the sequence in the opposite colour. Eg. for the red stripe that is 5" wide, I quilted 2 white lines along one side and 3 white lines on the other. I filled in the rest of the stripe with matching red lines.

I also decided to learn how to piece the binding to match the stripes. Yay! Lessons learned -- use the quilted top measurements not the original unquilted top measurements. I had to redo a number of seams because the stripes were smaller once quilted. Seems obvious now, I know. LOL!

The back is just a simple white backing. 

I won't talk too much about the name, except to say that the colour choices were deliberate and reflect the name for me. The optimist in me can't leave it at that though so while the red was chosen for its negative meanings, it was also chosen because it means courage. And the reciprocal nature of the design means that the red flows back to the white too. Same idea with the name. :)

Finished size: 41" by 65"
Fabric: Kona White and Kona Wine
Batting: Hobbs Heirloom - 80/20
Thread: Aurifil 2021 and Aurifil 2460

Linking up to TGIFF!, which is over with Leanne at Devoted Quilter.

Answer: She broke the bench in half because two halves make a whole (hole). ;) Happy Friday!


  1. Fabulous Fibonacci and the binding is impressive too!

  2. oh this is lovely! And this is a perfect quilt to use matched binding on. I love it!

  3. This is beautiful. And I'm super impressed with the matching binding.

  4. Love it! Great concept, great quilting! Just wondering if I should make one for my math geek or religious geek?

  5. I'm impressed with your technical achievements -- the matching binding, the straight line quilting, the fib sequence, but I'm more intrigued about the meaning behind the name and the red and white. will you tell us more?

  6. I do love to see different ways the Fibonacci sequence is interpreted, especially in quilts. The matched binding and leadends were a great idea!

  7. Lovely quilt, really like the 2 colour threads and the puzzle too!

  8. Oh yes, absolutely love the simplicity of this quilt!

  9. A stunning finish AND a math pun! Wonderful.

  10. Really beautiful in it's simplicity, the pattern and the quilting! I'm not sure what it says about me that I thought she might use the bench to smash the wall?!!

  11. I love this quilt...both the looks of it and the meaning behind it. Great job!

  12. What a wonderful quilt, stunning in it's simplicity! Love the colours, and the quilting is so fitting.

  13. great quilt! I like how you quilted in - the straight lines are very effective, and matching the binding up was inspired. Addends - I've learned my something new for today!

  14. It is just SIMPLY wonderful!

  15. It's absolutely stunning. The quilting is just the right touch and the binding is sheer perfection. I don't think you could have made this quilt any better than you did. One of the best things about blogging is seeing so many quilts. This quilt is one of my all time favourites.

  16. Stunning as always!!!! you have a great imagination M-R

  17. You are a genius! This is so cool.

  18. The quilt is gorgeous and that binding is amazing! I have to admit you sent me off to google fibonacci, so now I guess I have learned my one new thing for today.

  19. I guess I'm not really math genius :-) Love the quilting and "simple" design.

  20. Simply Stunning! Love everything about this. And the binding - wow!

  21. Wow, this is so bold, graphic. Simplicity wins! Great finish, MR.

  22. Beautiful! I love the simplicity.

  23. Wow. Stunning in the simplicity. I admire your ability to do this, M-R. Love it!

  24. Very effective--great continuation of the theme in the quilting. Thanks for the tip about the binding...the day will come when I need it.

  25. What a simply stunning quilt! Your binding adds such a wonderful compliment to the quilt!

  26. Love your quilt. The graphic nature is stunning.

  27. (Groan) What if the woman didn't break the bench quite in half? It was 9/16ths and 7/16ths? Then she wouldn't have been able to make a whole (hole). Oh no! I hope she was very careful.
    Seriously, the Fibonacci is gorgeous! I am so impressed with the matching binding.

  28. Gorgeous, M-R! I really love the impact of the matched binding. It is the perfect finishing touch for this quilt.

  29. This is a seriously fantastic quilt and I love the name!!


  30. Gorgeous love the quilting.

  31. Great quilt, my hat is off to you for sticking with the piecing of the binding until it matched up with the stripes!

  32. This is quite simply stunning! I love the colours, the quilting and the binding. Very inspiring. :-)

  33. I really love this and love how you matched up the binding. Simple yet sophisticated.

  34. Looks great! I particularly love your binding.

  35. great work M-R! I have been out of touch for awhile, so have missed some of these posts.
    I love how simple this quilt is, and yet how thoughtful and meaningful at the same time. I love it.


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