Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Bubbling With Ideas

I'm working away on little Malcolm's Bubbles quilt. The quilting is coming along. So far we have stitch in the ditch around the bubbles and some straight lines on the dark grey side:

Next, I'm mulling over what to do with the bubbles. Pulled out the trial quilting sheets and the dry erase markers and played with a variety of motifs:

Then, the tough part. That darn negative space in the lighter grey. There's a lot of it!

1) Straight lines like in the dark grey?

2) Echo the bubbles?

3) Swirls and pebbles?

4) Break up the space with 'clouds' of different motifs?

Another go at sectioning

Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions? Have a go!


  1. I'd Say swirls and bubbles or break it up. But I'm sure I will be lovely no matter what!

  2. What a clever idea of using plexiglas (?!) as a motive checker. I love that Idea

  3. Oh that's gorgeous! I love the echoing of the bubbles, maybe that and then mix it up?

  4. Very nice!!! I like the straight lines won't take away from the bubbles.

  5. And thank you for your comment M- R!!!

  6. Swirls and pebbles is my first choice for the background.

  7. Part of me says, echo the bubbles. But then the other part says straight lines -- like the bubbles are falling.

  8. Is that plexi-glass? Just curious, about what size seems to work out best? I kinda like the straight lines, maybe the echo but that's a lot of space for an echo. I think the swirls, etc. are pretty but then you look at them and not the bubbles....but I'm sure any of it would look fine! The bubbles are a great idea.

  9. This is going to be gorgeous! I love the idea of breaking up the negative space. Maybe have a mix of straight lines, swirls and pebbles?

  10. I like the echoing of the bubbles. I might break up the space with another row of bubbles and then end with straight lines. it will be fabulous whatever you decide. ;)

  11. What a great looking quilt. Love the straight lines you have quilted in the dark grey. Great sketches on the plexiglass. I initially thought swirls and pebbles but the more I look at it I love Heather's suggestion of echoing, then some quilted bubbles and finished with straight lines. Oh might have to make a quilt like this myself.

  12. Add my name to the list of echo fans!

  13. I love the cloud like sections, they bring such interest to the negative space.


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