Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Blogiversary Giveaways and A New Name?

May seems to be getting nuttier every year so I hope you'll forgive me if I postponed the giveaway I wanted to do for my blogiversary ('cause why not start a blog in the busiest month of the year? What was I thinking last year?!) to now.

Before we get to the giveaways (there are two!), I just wanted to say thanks to the wonderful guild members at the Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild for showing me some love last night! It was fun sharing some of the inspiring things from the online quilt world with you. It ended up being way too long, but you stuck with me. If you didn't get a handout, email me and I'll send it to you.

Me and Ginette from The Quilting Princess
One of the highlights of the evening for me was meeting a bloggy friend in person! Ginette from The Quilting Princess came with her mom to give me moral support. It was so awesome to meet her and chat a bit. Seeing your smiling face in the audience definitely helped settle some of my nerves, Ginette. :) Thanks so much for coming!

As this is a blogiversary giveaway, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who follow along and give me encouragement and advice. Your comments always make my day and I really appreciate the time you take to leave me a comment!

For these giveaways, I have two thread packs and a wool thread colour chart that were generously provided by Alex Veronelli at Aurifil. Thanks Alex and Aurifil! This thread is quickly becoming my go-to thread, especially the 40 and 50 weight threads. I just love how smooth and thin, but strong they are. Aurifil also sent me some thread in different weights and colours for me to play with so I'll be experimenting more with those and I'll tell you more about them later.

The two giveaway packages are:

1) An Aurifil thread pack with a variety of thread weights and colours and a set of four fat quarters in the Hudson's Bay point blanket colours.

2) An Aurifil thread pack with a variety of thread weights and colours and a colour chart of Aurifil's wool 12 weight colours.

To enter the giveaways:

1) Leave a comment letting me know if you think I should change the name of my blog to "On the Quilt Side" or stick with "Quilt Matters." The blog name Quilt Matters was practical and available, but never really grabbed me. I can't believe it took me a whole year to think of a name I like more, but I think On the Quilt Side might be it. What do you think?

2) If you are a follower or become a follower, you get another chance at the giveaway -- just leave a comment.

3) And folks that attended my talk at last night's Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild also get a bonus entry -- just leave another comment.

The giveaways will be open until Sunday, June 17th at 5 p.m. EST (a month to the day of my May blogiversary). I'll pick two numbers via Mr. Random Number Generator and contact the winners on Monday, the 18th. If you are a no reply blogger, please leave your email address, otherwise I will have to pick another number.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement over the last year. I know I wouldn't still be blogging if it weren't for you fabulous people!

Good luck!

P.S. I'll be hosting TGIFF! this Friday, June 8th so if you have a finish, get it ready to link up!


  1. I think you should leave it as Quilt Matters and change the name to "On The Quilt Side" so that it'll show up online and in our readers and stuff as "on the quilt side" and that you should snap up "On the quilt side" so nobody else can steal it.

    Then, when you inevitably become a dot com, you can call your dot com "On The Quilt Side", and we'll already associate you with it because that's what you'll be calling yourself here (without the attendant lost readers that happen when you move to a new blog)embed your blog linky in the site and you'll be ready to go!

    That's my 28 1/2 cents. :)

  2. I'm a follower and seriously, I NEED TO WIN THE BAY PACK. lol (

    Okay, truly seriously, I've been wanting to try Aurafil for like, a year now, so I hope I win!)

  3. and er... if I lived in Ottawa I would have attended your talk but since I didn't... er, I was there in spirit? lol

  4. It was so much fun meeting you in person M-R!! You did great! I am so glad we finally met and I hope we will get to meet up again and share quilty stories real soon!

  5. I don't know about the name change... I know you as "the Quilt Matters girl" but I do really like "On The Quilt Side".

  6. You know I am a faithful follower!!

  7. I like both names, so it's up to you. I love Aurifil thread and I always need more. thanks for the chance to win.

  8. thanks for the chance to win.

  9. I agree with Kit. If you want it, snatch it up now so no one else gets it. I've never been completely happy with my blog name because it doesn't tell you it's about quilting and crafting, but it has meaning behind so...what do you do?

  10. I have bee a faithful follower even before you spoke last night at the OVQG. Great talk. So much info . Thanks

  11. I follow...and if I weren't 1200 miles away I would have come to your talk!

  12. Not sure about the name change! not easy as we all know you as Quilt Matters! but Kit's idea makes sense!

  13. Hi M-R....I like the new name; but I'm so used to the old name. I would keep Quilt Matters....but you want to change it...go for it!!

  14. I say go with what you like : )

  15. I happily follow your blog : )

  16. Hi! If it was me, I would keep Quilt Matters. I think that's a great blog name.

  17. I am such a happy follower! Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. I agree with sticking with Quilt Matters & snapping up On the Quilt Side.

  19. I'm a follower,and need me that HB pack! Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. I only use Aurifil now, my machine seems to like it and so do I. I like Quilt Matters but it's your blog so you call it what you want. Linda

  21. I am a follower. I couldn't come and see you as I live in France....just a little too far for me LOL.

  22. I like both names. If you want to change it, I say go for it. I know many bloggers who have.

  23. I agree with Kit and the others about being there in spirit. Glad your talk went well.

  24. And I like the On the Quilt Side because it automatically reminded me of the Monty Python Song Always stay on the Bright side of Life (todue, todue)... Always stay on the Quilt Side of Life (tosew,tosew) If no one gets this thats ok cause my kids wonder where my brain comes from too!

  25. I know your blog as quilt matters but i could quickly adjust as really i know it as M-R's blog. So really go with whatever you are liking even if you change it a few times. Maybe someday i'll come up with something I like more for mine and my brother can stop being associated with quilting!

  26. I don't know, I like them both equally. Neither one just jumps out at me though. Tough choice. I say stick with Quilt Matters if you have already built a following.

  27. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I visit your blog every day and love your posts; i also use your blog to access many other blogs from your list! I did not attend your presentation, but I am considering joining the OVQG, so may be we will get to meet in person!

  28. I like both names. Either way the blog will still be one that I visit and read.

  29. I am a follower, and will be not matter what your name is.

  30. Hello - I like your current-blog name but your maybe-blog name is good too :) Wish I had been at that meeting - I would love to see what my fellow Canadians get up to!! My sister lives near Ottawa so maybe one day I can sneak in!!?? Great giveaway!!

  31. I'm a happy follower and will be happy with whatever your blog name is!!! Thanks for the chance and congrats on your blogversary! Woohoo!

  32. I like Quilt Matters. It is cute and has a double meaning which I always like.

  33. I like Quilt Matters but On the Quilt Side has a nice ring to it too.

  34. I just became a follower!

  35. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at OVQG last night - it was fabulous!

  36. I may be repeating myself but I don't think my 3rd comment was published - I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at OVQG last night - it was fabulous!

  37. i am a follower thanks for the giveaway

  38. I am one that is not so stressed in a name. When I started quilting 5 months ago I figured from the get go that I would be changing the name. I started with RichardQuilts and my son last week changed it to Richard and Tanya Quilts. We have been teasing my wife that she now needs to post more. Any way I like both the names. To me I just like to know that you will be their and showing off items you have and sharing your skill.


  39. Hmm, I'm all for having a blog name you truly like, so if On the Quilt Side appeals to you more I say go for it.

  40. Also I am a follower, and would love to play with some new colours of Aurifil!

  41. Congrats on your blogiversary! I do like the name "On the Quilt Side" but I like "Quilt Matters" too. I keep wishing I could come up with a cute name, but alas I am just not that cool. :)

  42. I follow you through RSS feed!

  43. I think either name works well. I really like Quilt Matters a lot though.

  44. Hi M-R
    I've been a follower since the beginning and loved your talk at OVQG last night & was happy to see your quilts in person. Great job! I like your current name...but will follow you no matter what. :-)

  45. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  46. I really like Quilt Matters - it's a strong name.

  47. I'm still not sure about my blog name let alone helping anyone else! Quilt matters has always sounded to me as if quilts are important if that helps. Happy Blogiversary!

  48. I am a follower thanks for a great giveaway!

  49. I think people recognize you as "Quilt Matters" and it is part of your appeal. I do like "On the Quilt Side" and think it would make an excellent slogan for "Quilt Matters." You're already branding yourself - and happy blogiversary!

  50. I like On the Quilt Side but kind of feel like it needs a tag line. Maybe. Quilt Matters is good though too.

  51. My goodness. What a lot of comments. My odds aren't good! lol I'm a follower.

  52. Now that I've had another minute to think- Quilt Matters is good, but On the Quilt Side is gooder!!!

  53. I like either name - go with your gut. :) Those Hudson Bay colors are awesome! :)

  54. I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance!

  55. My preference is "Quilt Matters" but both are good.

  56. MR I truly enjoyed your presentation at the OVQG last night; wow, what a vast array of sites to go visit. When do you find the time to sew?

  57. I'm following now, .....I think. Looking forward to the journey....down the rabbit hole!

  58. Happy blogiversary! I really like Quilt Matters!

  59. I am a follower, thanks for a great giveaway!

  60. My preference is" Quilt Matters" because that's how I know you but if you decide to change, I will find you "On the Quilt Side"! ~Jeanne

  61. Happy blogiversary! I prefer Quilt Matters.

  62. Thanks for the giveaway - I'm a follower!

    1. p.s. if I win the second prize, please give the colour card to the other winner - I've already got one! :)

  63. Your blog - your choice. If you like On the Quilt Side, then change it!

  64. On The Quilt Side has a nice ring to it.

  65. I like Quilt Matters. It's a clever double entendre:) But you should go with what feels right. I changed mine and finally on the 3rd change, I found one I love! Thanks for the giveaway.

  66. I'm a follower and would love to try out some Aurfil thread! Wish me luck ;)

  67. I think you should leave the name of your blog because that is how you are known now.

  68. I think you should stick to Quily Matters as it's the blog name and blog link.

  69. Happy blogaversary! I've aways thought Quilt Matters is a great name. I love the double meaning and I agree with others that it's good to have your name and link the same and it has become your brand. But 'on the quilt side' is a great name too and if you feel happier to change then I think it's definitely a good to do asap before someone else takes it and before your blog gets any bigger :)

  70. Happy Blogiversary!! I like both names but if you prefer "On the Quilt side" you should follow your instincts. It reminds me of a different song - I found myself singing "Hey Babe... take a walk on the quilt side" - but you are probably too young to remember that one!

  71. yikes, I am not the person to ask about names - I have the hardest time naming anything :) my advice is to go with whichever one makes you happiest

  72. Eu sou seguidora.Quanto ao nome...acho que você deve continuar com que está.Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com


  73. I like Quilt Matters but if you aren't wowed by it, change it. I just read one of the other comments "hey babe-take a walk on the quilt side" and now I'm singing it! Darn that Lou Reed!

  74. And I follow you, which only sounds creepy ;-)

  75. I actually prefer Quilt Matters, but it is personal choice, you have to feel comfortable with it.... Love the HB colours. here's hoping

  76. As a follower, I still like 'Quilt Matters'.

  77. I like the name Quilt Matters, so I wouldn't change it.

  78. I like your original name "Quilt Matters" but if your not feeling it then it is your right to change it. After all it is your blog. Love the giveaway and hope I am lucky.


  79. I am a follower of yours on Facebook.

  80. Congratulations on the blogiversary. I like Quilt Matters, but go with your heart.

    I like both sets. I have a color card, so would prefer the first set. If I won the second set, I would give the card & a spool or three to a friend who has not experienced Aurifil yet. Either way, i'll share with her.

  81. Quilt Matters got you here and while the other is cute, I say keep the name, snatch up the other and use it as a tag line or something. Of course, the best advice is to go with your gut!

  82. I am a follower and would love to win some Aurifil thread!

  83. If you do not love your blog name, then by all means change it. I am not a creature of change, so I keep the name I came up with a few years ago. Congrats on your blogaversary.

  84. I am now a follower of your blog.

  85. Sorry I missed your talk M-R. I wish I had known about it, but I always seem to forget to check the newsletters on the web site. So wish they came by email. Anyway, I'd love to see your notes if you want to share.

    Quilting Gallery

  86. Enjoyed your talk Monday

  87. I like either name although I am drawn to the title On the Quilt Side...

  88. Quilt Matters is snappier. On the Quilt Side seems long. Good luck with your dilemma.

  89. I agree that you should snap up On the Quilt Side before someone else does!

  90. if you don't think too much of 'quilt matters' for a blog i.d., then by all means, go with what you like! 'on the quilt side' grabs you, then, go for it! you'll enjoy your blog more. so, happy blogoversary.

  91. i'm a new follower :) [i like your tips ... i much prefer qayg]

  92. Johanna Blakney7 June 2012 at 17:57

    Hi M-R, you sure gave us a lot of information at the OVGQ meeting on Monday night! I think I will approach the blogging world slowly by becoming a follower on your site. Johanna

  93. Johanna Blakney7 June 2012 at 18:00

    Btw, I like your original blog name, but as others have said, you have to like it too. Johanna

  94. Johanna Blakney7 June 2012 at 18:05

    Oops. I posted two comments in one. So here is my third comment in hopes it will up my chances to win your giveaway. Johanna

  95. I like "On the Quilt Side" and if you'll feel happy with it I think you should change!

  96. I really enjoyed your talk at the OVQG meeting

  97. Thanks to the OVQG talk I am now a follower!!

  98. I like Quilt Matters.... but I agree... you have to like it.

  99. I'm a NEW follower and I vote for On The Quilt Side.

  100. Did I win yet? I'm lovin' this blog; thaks M-R

  101. I like On The Quilt Side! but a rose by any other name ...

  102. I really like On the Quilt Side but also Quilt Matters... But I'm leaning more towards the new name. Thanks for a chance to win! I've been wanting to try Aurifil for a long time... :)

  103. I'm already a follower of your blog! :)

  104. I think you should change the name of your blog to "Awesome Quilting Godess!". :D

  105. You know I'm a devout follower of yours! :D I wants me some of dat Aurifil thread!!


Yay Comments! Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. I usually reply to comments via e-mail. If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave me your e-mail address so I can get back to you. Unfortunately, I've had to disallow Anonymous posts due to spam -- sorry! Cheers!

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