Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Works in Progress Wednesday - June 6, 2012

It's been another crazy busy, but exciting week. A week of solo parenting, Cub Camp and a presentation for my guild have kept me running on all cylinders. I'm way behind on responding to comments, touring the linky parties I participate in and blog reading, but I'll get there!

I did finally get around to organizing my blogiversary giveaways -- you can enter on yesterday's post.

So the big question I'm asking myself right now is what am I going to finish for Friday's TGIFF! party? I'm hosting so I better get my arse in gear and finish something. I'm thinking it's time to pull something off the On Hold/UFO mash up list, but I'm not sure what yet. 

For the week that was, there was not much progress on the quilt side of things. 

New Projects: 
Selvage pincushions - I made a couple of selvage pincushion cases à la Cindy @ Live A Colorful Life but I was too lazy to try the piping. Now I am trying to figure out how best to fill it. I think my opening is too small to fill so I may need to unstitch. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice about using crushed walnut shells for the filling. Do you wrap them or just pour them in?

Completed Projects:
Colour My World Cyan - Barely finished this one in time. June is brown - ugh! Why, oh, why did I pick brown? I think this might be the most challenging month to date. What on earth (ha ha) do you do with brown?! 

Current Projects: 
Twelve Trees QuiltNo progress

Hudson's Bay Point Blanket QuiltJust got a message that Fabricland is having a 50% off members' sale this week so that means I can get the rest of the fabric that I need for the backing. Woo hoo! 

Modern Block Monday Sampler - This week was Selvage Strings by Bari Ackerman. While I'm sold on selvage projects and like this block a lot, it doesn't work at all with the rest of the blocks because these selvages are for print fabrics. Whoops! I'll be redoing the block with selvages of solid colours and use this one for something else. 

Spiral/Spring seta colour
Wedding quilt
Nine patch colourwash

WIP Wednesday Recap:
New projects: 1
Completed projects: 1
Current projects: 3
On Hold/UFO: 15

I'm linking in to WIP Wednesday at The Needle and Thread Network and to W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. Thanks, wonderful women, for hosting such great parties!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Right Click to Save Image

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!


  1. what a busy girl you are!!! :)

  2. I use watnut shells and have always just pour them in : ) Do you have a funnel or even make one with paper to pour the shells in....I am like you, and haven't tried the piping yet : )

  3. I use an old baby spoon to get the walnut shells in the pincushion. Saves a little time cleaning afterwards, and you can mash things around with the spoon to make sure you get it full.

    Don't forget to breath!

  4. Don't think brown, think chocolate! Might help motivate you! love your cyan block and your selvage strings. I keep my selvages but haven't made anything from them yet.

  5. Believe it or not, I am looking forward to brown, and I have a lot of it on hand. I must be the only quilter that likes this colour...

  6. The Cyan looks fabulous! Good luck with the brown - I'd think of chocolate as well- it's yummier that way.

  7. Love all of your projects! I use a funnel to pour in the walnut shells. I've tried to do the piping but can't quite get it. I'm going on a mini retreat with Cindy (Live a Colorful Life) next week and she's promised to show me how to do the piping. I'm going to show her how to crochet granny squares.

  8. Love the blues M-R....and u'll have no problem being ready for Friday!! I expect nothing

  9. I was just going to say the same thing as Deborah: I use a funnel to pour in the walnut shells. Should I do a mini tutorial on the piping? And gotta say I'm totally in love with Bari J's selvage block.

  10. Whoo hoo! I'm really liking that aqua one!

  11. Thanks for the pincushion link. I used to hate brown, but now I just love it. Especially with turquoise.

  12. The aqua block is lovely! I like the idea above of thinking Chocolate instead of brown!

  13. I never heard of using crushed walnut shells. I use silica sand from the garden store. but I will have to look up (somewhere on the net) why for to use walnut shells. I am saving selvedges for a someday project, i have them rolled into a ball that is now about the size of a soccer ball!

  14. I haven't used the walnut shells for fear of it accidentally getting in the hands of someone with allergies... must be because I work in a school!
    I do have a lot of brown in my stash and I use it a LOT more than black in my quilts but for some reason I haven't even started pulling fabric for this one! Hopefully I will get started on picking a pattern and some fabric this weekend, 'cause June is a busy month!

  15. So, NOW I can see where you were going with the 2 pieced checkerboards! Very nice!!

  16. I love the juxtaposition of squares in the checkerboards with the round middle. As for brown I thought that would be more appropriate for a fall month, but then perhaps there is enough brown in fall anyway.....


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