Monday, 28 January 2013

Modern Block Monday - Rainbow Brights

Usually I show you blocks that I'm making for my Modern Block Sampler, however, I'm going to show you some modern blocks that I've made for other purposes today.

Here are my first three blocks from the Something New Sampler. They measure 7.5 by 14.5" unfinished.
Something New Sampler - Fabric Folding
Fabric Folding
Something New Sampler - Scrappy Strips
Scrappy Strips
Anybody else thinking Rainbow Bright here? ;) I'm loving this project so far. It's always fun to try a new technique in a small, easily-managed block or project. Two more blocks are up this week -- Sashiko with Jess @ The Elven Garden and Reverse AppliquĂ© with Lindsay @ Lindsay Sews.

I'm also going to give you a sneak peek of the trapunto block that I designed for the sampler. I'll be providing a tutorial on trapunto for this block on next Monday, February 4th. Yes, trapunto isn't just for traditional heirloom quilts. It can give great punch to a modern design too.

And last but not least, is this fun block that I made for Katie, the Queen Bee genius behind our Don't Worry {Bee} Happy gang. She sent us the fabric (LOVE the fabric, especially the print!) and told us to design as we pleased along this style. So this is what I did. I want to do this block for my modern block sampler too.

Hope you are having a great Monday! It's snowing here, but at least it's no longer - 25 C!


  1. Such a colourful blog post M-R! It's very welcome on a dreary day like we have here today. And I WISH it was snowing!

  2. I LOVE rainbows! Oh I need to find that pinterest button...hmm where did i put it? lol.

  3. Definitely made me think Rainbow Brite! The bright colors are so welcome on a day like today!

  4. I am lovin your work. Yummy colors. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Really love your Bargello block, it could be sized up to a full quilt and would look great. Definitely Rainbow Brite. Looking forward to seeing more of the trapunto block!

  6. I love the modern rainbows, excellent work, with such sharp angles and points! This definitely appeals to my perfectionist tendencies. That citron is a breath of fresh air, great decision there, too!

  7. Lovely work...I love the brights against the really makes a statement:)


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