Monday, 24 March 2014

When Life Gives You Snow...

Last year and this year's snow dyes
Snow dye and make a rainbow! Like a lot of Canadians, I'm feeling quite done with winter. There are few signs of Spring around here. It's -10C today and we even got a 10-15 cm dump of snow on Saturday. Sigh!

Trying to make the most of things though, I decided to have another go at snow dyeing over the weekend. I used the same process I used last year. For those who are new to my blog, check out this post and this post for the results of those fun experiments.

Warning: Very photo heavy post!

First up, was Procion MX Sun Yellow 108 and Mixing Red 305 to make Orange:

Snow dye:


Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:

Impressions: Some cool swirls and separation of yellow out in both layers. Interestingly, last year I used Golden Yellow 104 and Strongest Red 312N and the results are very similar.

Next up, Mixing Blue 402C

Snow dye:


Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:

Impression: Love these ones! The blue is gorgeous.

Then, Golden Yellow 104 and Mixing Blue 402C to make Green

Snow dye:


Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:

Impressions: Not at all what I was expecting, but I love that the colours separated a bit. I find these two have a bit of a topographical map feel. Hmm...

A Sunset, which was supposed to be Golden Yellow 104, Strongest Red 312N and Purple (Strongest Red 312N and Basic Blue 400), but I think I did two Strongest Reds by mistake. Oops.

Snow dye:


Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:

Impressions: Cool dot effect -- something in the snow?

I had such good results in making Snow Crab Nebula that I thought I'd try that one again. Golden Yellow 104, Strongest Red 312N and Purple (Strongest Red 312N and Mixing Blue 402C) in a radiating circle.

Snow dye:

Top Layer:
Bottom Layer:

Impressions: Yay! Another interesting one!

I also wanted to see if I could get a nebula-style piece, but with green at the centre. Green (Sun Yellow 108 and Mixing Blue 402C), Light Purple (3/4 tsp total of Strongest Red 312N and Basic Blue 400) and Purple (Mixing Red 305 and Basic Blue 400)

Snow dye:


Top Layer:

Bottom Layer:

Impressions: Definitely disappointed with both of these ones. The green is too dark, but there is some beautiful play between the purples and where the blue dye separated.

Snow dyeing is such an interesting process, but you really have to be open to whatever comes out. I was very sceptical of the green snow dye. The colour didn't look great in snow form, but wow, do I ever love the results! Same with the Mixing Blue. Using three cool primary dyes (Sun Yellow 108, Mixing Red 305 and Basic Blue 400) and three warm primary dyes (Golden Yellow 104, Strongest Red 312N and Mixing Blue 402C), I was able to get a pretty rainbow of colours to work with.

Have a great Monday, all!


  1. This is so interesting....good jobe making use of that darn snow!! We have more coming...

  2. I have never seen snow dyeing, interesting process and beautiful results!

  3. Gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you do with these.

  4. Those are so fun and pretty! I wish we'd gotten more snow here (New Mexico)--it has been terribly warm and dry all winter (again) and we're anticipating another unpleasant fire season. Maybe you could send some of your snow south next time!

  5. Gorgeous results. Thank you for sharing the process.


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