Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Mo' Snow, Mo' Snow Dyeing

I took advantage of the fresh snow dump of snow last week to have another go at snow dyeing. I used the same process as last time, but this time I used the cool dyes - Sun Yellow 108, Mixing Red 305, and Basic Blue 400. I used the same process as last time, but dyed fabrics in yellow, green (1/2 tsp yellow and 1/2 tsp blue), blue, purple (1/2 tsp blue and 1/2 tsp red), and a ringed version using yellow, blue and purple.


Turned into this:

Upper Level
Lower Level

Turned into this:
Upper Level
Lower Level

Became this:
Upper Level
Lower Level
 Did this:
Upper Level
Lower Level
And this:

 Became this:
Upper Level
Lower Level
I love how the greens, blues and purples turned out. Einh on the yellow and multicolour. I can't help but relate Forrest Gump's 'box of chocolates' quote to snow dyeing -- you never know what you're going to get!

Hope you are having a great day!


  1. For some reason I'm not able to see some of these photos but the pictures I can see are awesome! Now I'm really inspired to try this so I expect we probably won't have more snow for years!

  2. Well, this is the year for snow dyeing!

  3. These are fabulous M-R!! I am tempted to try this!


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