Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Works In Progress Wednesday - The Back To School Edition

Do you hear that? That is the sound of silence. My youngest started school yesterday. It was hard on him and it was hard on his Mama. He said his favourite part of the day was the bus ride. Sigh. He was smiling when he got off the bus though and he didn't fight going to school today so we're hoping for a better day today.

I thought I'd be way more, "Woo hoo! I've got 6.5 blessed hours of free time!" because I've been thinking about this time since oh, January. LOL! Quilting time. Shower time. Cleaning reading time. Whatever time. Yesterday flew by though, spent catching up on a lot of things I'd ignored over the summer, and it was 3:10 p.m. when I looked up! Ridiculous!

So where are we on the mega WIP list after a summer of sporadic quilting?

Completed Projects:

All Things Equal: Completed, blogged and gifted!

Happy Canada, Eh!: My entry into the Stamp On It blog hop. Though it's meant to celebrate Canada Day, it is still gracing my kitchen. I'm not sure it will ever come down. I do so love this quilt. :)

Hard Core: Hard Core is done and blogged about here.

Simply Solids Bee

Rolling stone block for the wonderful Patti!

Simply Solids Bee - August Block - Carmine Group

Current Projects:

Bright StripesThis is a test of my coming-soon Falling For Stripes pattern. It's basted and I've figured out what I want to do quilting-wise so I'm eager to get at'er.

Su{Brrr}nova Scraps: No progress.

Scrappy Trip AlongNo progress.

Scrap{Bee} Quilt: It's back on the design wall. I'd like to finish up the two or three remaining blocks and finish the top this week.

Kingston quilt: No progress.

What are you working on this week?


  1. Congrats on your little one starting school! You're so productive, you have so many projects going on! Good luck making progress on them all.

  2. Love those log cabin blocks and that Canadian stamp quilt should really live at my place. I see that red is a colour that you like to use quite a bit. I'm just getting into using red. Those other quilts are quite nice - you really have been busy.

  3. Well, today my "little one" started grade 12. He's been adult height since grade six, but still it feels strange. I spoke to a friend this morning who had the last of her three kids graduate in June, so after 18 years of school, now she has three university students.
    you have an impressive list, but do enjoy a little space to yourself too!

  4. Oh that Canada Stamp quilt looks awesome :)

  5. What lovely quilts. Hopefully the bittersweet time of school days and alone time will not be gobbled up fast.

  6. Your quilts are wonderful and I love love that Scrap Bee Quilt!

  7. Glad to hear your youngest had a great first day! Definitely bittersweet for us mummy's isn't it!

    I love your Canada stamp quilt - it's just fantastic!!

  8. I'm just hoping to get through the week - probably not making much. I'm also back to school and getting used to standing, talking, and wrangling teenagers all day again is tiring. But awesome. :)

  9. All absolutely stunning. Looking forward to seeing more future gorgeous-ness now that you have lots of M-R time!

  10. Love the stamp!!!! I keep adding WIP!!!! There is always a good reason to start another. I have a couple quilts I have to get done that get bumped up the line. It is all fun right! Bless your little man going off to school! He will find his way like we all must in this world. Sure isnt always easy though.

  11. Mine just had their first day today-imagine how much guilt free quilting time you have now! Love all your projects,

  12. I love each and every quilt in this post. Your work is beautiful and I am going to be visiting here more often to keep up with you.

  13. Oh so MANY gorgeous things to look at!

  14. Everything in this post is beautiful! I wouldn't ever take the Canada quilt off the wall either - it's awesome:-)

  15. I haven't seen your "stamp" piece before. Its fantastic!

  16. Incredible work - if you had any more time to quilt you'd run out of projects the way you churn them out!

  17. WoW!!! your stamp quilt is amazing!!!
    i hope you've sent it to Canada Post to be considered as an actual stamp!!
    what an awesome stamp that would be!!

  18. Absolutely LOVE All Things Equal! Gasp!


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