Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Works in Progress Wednesday - May 30, 2012

Whoa Wednesday, where did you come from? It's been such an exciting week! I took my eldest son camping with our Beaver Colony on the weekend -- we had fantastic weather, a great hike and fun crafts. So much fun! Then getting nominated for a Bloggers Quilt Festival category blew my mind (BTW, voting ends tomorrow night if you haven't had a chance to vote yet). Even though things are a wee bit nuts around here, it didn't stop me from starting a couple of new projects...

New Projects: 
Twelve Trees Quilt - Ever since I saw this quilt on Lily's Quilts, I knew I had to try it. I made my first online purchase (woo hoo by me, oh no by the hubster!) of the Twelve Trees pattern by Helen Howes and a fat eighth bundle of Westminster shot cottons from Pam @ Mad About Patchwork. Awesome service by the way. I've made the first block. Love!

Hudson's Bay Point Blanket Quilt - Finished the top and shared the measurements here. Unfortunately, I didn't buy enough of the off-white fabric for the party in the back so I'll need to wait until Fabricland has a sale again. Bummer.

Current Projects:
Colour My World Cyan - Working madly on this to finish for tomorrow...aack! The linky party for May's challenge will go up tomorrow for those participating. I can't wait to see what others have done with this funky colour. 

Modern Block Monday Sampler - This week was Night and Day by Kimberly Walus. Happy!

Completed Projects: Nada

Spiral/Spring seta colour
Wedding quilt
Nine patch colourwash

WIP Wednesday Recap:
New projects: 2
Completed projects: 0
Current projects: 1
On Hold/UFO: 15

I'm linking in to WIP Wednesday at The Needle and Thread Network and to W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. Thanks, wonderful women, for hosting such great parties!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Right Click to Save Image

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!


  1. Love your Hudson Bay Blanket.

  2. Your tree is lovely - I remember Lily's quilt was stunning :)

  3. My god, how much do I love that red block????!!! So much I'm considering MAKING it. (With all those HST's that's crazy talk, right there!)

    Beautiful work as always. :)

  4. facinating projects you have on the go! love the HB point blanket, I am thinking of one in crochet... someday. and like kit, the red block is spectacular! Must try something similar! Thanks for giving me some inspiration this day...

  5. Nice M-R...I loved those trees too. Do you ever sleep??? lol. I don't know how you get so much done in a week. Love it all!

  6. I am crazy about the twelve trees it!

  7. Great version of the HB blanket! And the tree is just awesome!

  8. Those trees are awesome!
    I have to sew up my star block tomorrow morning as I had a sick little munchkin and didn't get around to it on the weekend as planned. Can't wait to see yours!

  9. Oh, I can't wait to see your tree quilt! I love that quilt!

  10. Oh I saw the tree quilt on Lily's blog too! so awesome! Love your Hudson's Bay quilt!!!

  11. I'm really drawn to those trees! I think I might (might!) be able to do that wavy FMQ. It's the swirls and swoops that still elude me.

  12. How will you quilt that Hudson's Bay blanket? I am planning one in my head for years now, and am trying to find symbols of Canada to use as quilting patterns.


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